Frequently Asked Questions
Visit our store, select the service that best meets your needs, and complete the checkout process. An Aerial Funeral Representative will then contact you to arrange the dispersal.
Dispersal of a loved one start at $749
Dispersal of a pet start at $499
Gender reveals start at $299
We can assist you at any stage of the process. Feel free to reach out to us, we can help you choose a low-cost crematory that fits your preferences.
Yes! However, we must work within the constraints of the FAA, as well as your state and local laws.
Yes, we can disperse all or just a portion of the cremated remains.
You can hand-deliver them to your local Aerial Funeral Affiliate or they can be mailed to us by you or your funeral director. After you check out at our store, an Aerial Funeral Representative will contact you to work out the details.
USPS is the only way to mail cremated remains, you will need to send them Priority Mail Express, and more information can be found here.
The USPS offers a free kit for you to package the cremated remains and can be ordered online: Click Here.
We aim to make this process as simple as possible for you. Feel free to reach out, and we'll assist you in finding the best option.
Not at all! Dispersing is simply a final disposition, much like placing the cremated remains in an urn or burying the body. You can still have a full funeral or memorial service. Many families opt for a traditional memorial service followed by a dispersal, while others choose to hold the memorial service at the location where the dispersal will take place. It creates a meaningful and memorable farewell for everyone in attendance.
For approximately the cost of an urn, you can give your loved one a unique and meaningful farewell. The dispersal can serve as the memorial service or be done in addition to a traditional funeral or memorial service.
Legally, if the couple or family decides that commingling their ashes is the best expression of their love, it is fully permitted. Aerial Funeral can provide a drone to offer this special service.
Yes, we offer services for your pet.
We can commingle the cremains of your loved one with those of their beloved pet, creating a unique memorial by dispersing their ashes together.
No, we do not add anything to the cremated remains, and we kindly ask that you do not either.
When we release the cremated remains, they create a beautiful trail visible from the ground. The sunnier the day, the brighter the trail appears.
Cremated remains are organic, making them environmentally friendly. We can disperse them, ensuring we do not negatively impact the environment. By themselves, cremated remains are simple, elegant, and safe for the environment, and we kindly request that you keep them that way.
We are able to provide multiple dispersal drones or a larger dispersal drone for commingling the ashes of multiple loved ones. This service is available in our store.
You are certainly able to participate in the dispersal of your loved one or pet.
After you select your service and check out, an Aerial Funeral Representative will contact your to make arrangements.
No, Aerial Funeral will provide the dispersal drone and an FAA certified drone pilot to ensure that your loved ones dispersal is completed safely.