Ash Dispersal of a Pet
The dispersal of your pet's ashes on private property (with the owner’s permission) or in a public location (with approval from local authorities) will be carried out within 120 days of receipt of cremains, weather permitting.
Aerial Funeral will provide a digital certificate detailing the date and location of the dispersal. Additionally, we will offer a shareable link to the dispersal video hosted on our private YouTube channel.
Upon receipt of your order, an Aerial Funeral representative will contact you regarding either local pickup or the shipping of your pet’s cremains.
The dispersal of your pet's ashes on private property (with the owner’s permission) or in a public location (with approval from local authorities) will be carried out within 120 days of receipt of cremains, weather permitting.
Aerial Funeral will provide a digital certificate detailing the date and location of the dispersal. Additionally, we will offer a shareable link to the dispersal video hosted on our private YouTube channel.
Upon receipt of your order, an Aerial Funeral representative will contact you regarding either local pickup or the shipping of your pet’s cremains.
The dispersal of your pet's ashes on private property (with the owner’s permission) or in a public location (with approval from local authorities) will be carried out within 120 days of receipt of cremains, weather permitting.
Aerial Funeral will provide a digital certificate detailing the date and location of the dispersal. Additionally, we will offer a shareable link to the dispersal video hosted on our private YouTube channel.
Upon receipt of your order, an Aerial Funeral representative will contact you regarding either local pickup or the shipping of your pet’s cremains.